On Thu, 6 Feb 2014, mrushton wrote:

To access this shared X drive under Cygwin it seems I have to do this :


Is this correct ?  Is there a better way ?

And C: seems to be /cygdrive/C/


This has nothing per se to do with Cygwin, but, briefly:

Standardize all your systems on something YOU can control. For example, I always create a top-level directory called l (that's the letter, not the numeral) which stands for "local", and another called nfs, which simply means a remote mount - could be real nfs or Samba - and then make links within these directories to wherever they need to go. That way, all disk space is available via either:




as appropriate.

And there's never any confusion over which is which - and drive letters can be completely avoided as desired, or not.

...All (many!) good System Administrators do things similar to this...


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