On Jan 13 09:48, Pavel Fedin wrote:
>  Hello!
> > Not necessarily.  If the package is in a good shape, has no known
> > security issues, and works fine with the latest Cygwin, you're good.
> > Other than that, just keep an eye on the Cygwin ML if somebody reported
> > a problem with your packages and see if you can lend a hand, maybe.
>  This doesn't sound too bad.
> > This is a generic problem.  Maintaining packages does not actually cost
> > a lot of time, unless you're trying to stick to the bleeding edge or
> > try to maintain too many packages.  But people still shy away from that
> > without even trying.  That's pretty disappointing.
>  Ok, i will try to.


>  So far:
>  Packages to update: rpcgen, nfs-server
>  New package: rpcbind
>  Is rpcgen maintained or not ?

Marco answered that.

>  And, nobody has answered the question. Who are original authors of this NFS 
> server ?

SUN Microsystems, AFAIK.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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