On Jan 10 18:29, Pavel Fedin wrote:
>  Hello!
> > Thanks for working on that.  It's highly appreciated.  Did you already
> > make yourself familiar with Cygwin package maintainance(*)?
>  Yes, i did. However, perhaps you'll call me a bad guy, but the answer to the 
> first question:
>  * Do you have the time to maintain the package?
>  is "sorry, but likely no".

We can't take the packages if you're not willing to maintain them.
We already have enough packages where the maintainers disappeared.

> I happen to have time only episodically. What obligations does this put on me 
> exactly ? For example, does this mean that i must keep the package up to date 
> and sync up with the mainstream ?

Not necessarily.  If the package is in a good shape, has no known
security issues, and works fine with the latest Cygwin, you're good.
Other than that, just keep an eye on the Cygwin ML if somebody reported
a problem with your packages and see if you can lend a hand, maybe.

This is a generic problem.  Maintaining packages does not actually cost
a lot of time, unless you're trying to stick to the bleeding edge or
try to maintain too many packages.  But people still shy away from that
without even trying.  That's pretty disappointing.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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