
I have a problem with the rTorrent software, installed with cygwin
setup program, the version is 0.8.9-3/0.12.9-3.

A little prelude.
I reinstalled the Win7 Ultimate 64bit software, because I bought an SSD.
The cygwin directory was on a separate partition, not on the system partition.
After reinstall I created some new directory and moved the cygwin
directory to a subdirectory, but it stayed on the same HDD/partition,
didn't moved to the new SSD.

First start it seems to work fine so I was pretty happy, but problem
happened when I dowloaded some new torrent file.
After added those files, they start leeching correctly, but most of
them at a random point go to "Closed" state, with this message:
"Inactive: Storage error: [Could not sync chunk: Device or resource
It happens only with incomplete torrents, in seeding stage, the
problem never happened.

It happens even when downloading one or more torrent, doesn't matter.
There are two solution, rehash the torrent with Ctrl-R shortcut then
start with Ctrl-D, or close the rTorrent and start it again, then it
rehash automatically or sometimes just simply starts the downloading.
After that, sometines it downloading without problem, but sometimes
the same error happens again later at a random time.

I tried a fresh cygwin install, only with the base packages, which
installing by default plus the rTorrent and dependencies, then copied
the old rTorrent configuration file, but it's not helped, the problem
occured again.

I tried to add some logging, based on this
article(http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentLogging), but the
"log.open_file" command does not exist in this version, so rTorrent
not starting at all.

There was only one significant changes during Win7 reinstall, I
changed the SATA controller in the BIOS, from IDE to AHCI, because of
the SSD.
I don't know it's matter or not.

I attached the output of the "cygcheck -s -v -r" command and my
rTorrent.rc file.
Thanks for the help.

Norbert Csibra

Attachment: .rtorrent.rc
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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