On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 06:27:48PM +0000, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] 
>> I have an install script for Cygwin. It's not offline
>Thanks for the suggestion.  My Systems team need to install from scratch
>on bare boxes, from only an image DVD (which contained all the requisites of
>the future machine, including CYGWIN's setup and the downloaded directory,
>as I previously described).
>From the replies I've got so far, I beginning to think it's close to impossible
>without having to list (all) the packages...

I don't understand your objection to generating a script which lists all
of the packages that you want to install.  Obviously you wouldn't expect
the user to do that.  You'd just create a .bat file to do this.

Alternately, maybe you could get away with just changing all of the
"requires: " in setup.ini for the packages that you are interested in to

This is not an insurmountable problem.  It just takes some scripting.


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