On 2013-11-04 19:03, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
Just make a list from that as part of your install script.

That is the problem, right there.  I counted some 150 directories,
many of which contain 10+ packages, easily.  A manageable install
command would have looked like "setup.exe -L directory -a" to
get and install everything it could have found under that directory,
rather than a command that spans two or more screen-fulls to list all
those packages.

I have an install script for cygwin. It's not offline like what you're after, but I don't have to specify all packages. Only the ones I want, which are not included in the base install, the installer will add
needed dependencies automatically. My install script lists
14 packages, the resulting installation has 129.

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