On Jul 23 03:27, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On 2013-07-23 02:21, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >On Jul 22 23:40, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> >>On 2013-07-22 19:52, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> >>>Postinstall errors:
> >>
> >>Thanks for the feedback; remarks inline.
> >>
> >>>Package: bash
> >>>     bash.sh exit code 1
> >>
> >>I think the problem is that virtual /dev is a read-only filesystem,
> >>but if you make a real /dev directory; then you can write to it.
> >>Could you run 'mkdir -p /dev' (without the quotes) and then try
> >>rerunning setup-x86_64.exe?  I suspect this will work then.
> >
> >The base-cygwin script usually creates the /dev dir.  Do we have
> >a dependency loop which let bash.sh run before base-cygwin?
> The only package that depends on base-cygwin is cygwin itself, and
> neither depend on bash.

A deps loop could screw this up.  What does the full setup log say
to the deps order?  Maybe that gives us a hint...

> >>>Package: a2ps
> >>>     a2ps.sh exit code 2
> >>
> >>This is due to a missing papersize(5) file.  I'm working on a fix,
> >>but a workaround is to run the following command, then rerun
> >>setup-x86_64.exe:
> >>
> >>echo letter > /etc/papersize
> >
> >I'd prefer `echo a4 > /etc/papersize' ;)
> I suppose you would. :-)  Any idea how to provide a sane default
> that most people on both sides of the pond would be happy with?

We don't support LC_PAPER so we also don't have this information in
some DB.  Just use letter and let us europeans with their weird
paper formats handle this manually.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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