On Jul 23 14:14, Charles Wilson wrote:
> On 7/23/2013 12:40 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> >On 2013-07-22 19:52, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> >>Postinstall errors:
> >>
> >>Package: xinit
> >>     xinit.sh exit code 134
> >
> >This is from a SIGABRT in mkshortcut.  Chuck?
> From xinit.sh:
>       /usr/bin/mkshortcut $CYGWINFORALL -P .....
> where $CYGWINFORALL is probably -A
> This is the same bug as this one:
> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-01/msg00261.html
> I never replied directly to that message (I was still AWOL at the
> time), but I later referenced it here:
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-06/msg00214.html
> >I believe your report has to do with error handling when attempting
> >to modify the All User's Desktop, when you don't actually retain the
> >elevated permissions necessary to do so.
> >
> >However, mkshortcut shouldn't *hang* in that case, so it's definitely
> >mkshortcut bug. I just haven't had the cycles to track it down and
> >fix it. PTC...
> ...and that's still true.  Is there are way for setup.exe to
> delegate its elevated credentials down to /bin/bash, and thence to
> mkshortcut.exe? Otherwise, even the *fix* for this bug will just
> make it not hang or crash; it will still fail to modify the
> all-users start menu/desktop.

Setup does not give up any of it's permissions when starting the
postinstall scripts via CreateProcess.  The scripts have the same
permissions as setup itself, which makes a lot of sense if you think
about it.  Missing permissions to change system dirs should only occur
if setup has been started as non-admin, or if the UAC installer
recognition has been switched off (affects only the 32 bit version).


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