On 7/3/2013 3:50 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul  3 22:24, Alexey Pavlov wrote:
2013/7/3 Christopher Faylor:
I need it to be able read short mount points from fstab: <win32_path>
All other options are set by default. With my changes I can have in
/etc/fstab both types of mount points - cygwin-like and msys-like.

And why is that necessary?  There are always default options set anyway,
but a layout change of the fstab file simply makes no sense.  There's no
win at all.

I think Alexey is trying to replicate MSYS's behavior, so it becomes more of a drop-in replacement. Here's my MSYS /etc/fstab (MSYS doesn't yet support per-user fstab.d/username settings):

C:/MinGW               /mingw
C:/Users/me/Desktop    /desktop
C:/Users/me/Documents  /docs
C:/msys-src            /usr/src

I agree with Corinna that there's no need to make cygwin-in-msys-mode EXACTLY like MSYS in all of its configuration settings (such as the syntax of /etc/fstab).

Your MSYS-like cygwin installation would have its own /etc/fstab (in regular cygwin format), but perhaps your /home area is mapped differently in that fstab, than in the /etc/fstab in your "regular" cygwin installation. Or, like me, I have a separate msys-src and cygwin-src directory mapped onto MSYS's /usr/src and cygwin's /usr/src, respectively.

Or is the proposal on the table for the same installation to be usable in both modes, depending on the nature of the launched application?


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