On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 08:03:25PM +0400, Alexey Pavlov wrote:
>I want to continue our discussion about integrating MSYS mode into
>Cygwin sources.
>Right now we need to determine where you can create hooks for msys
>plugin I think.
>MSYS plugin need to has ability to change next logic:
> - generating osname
> - reading /etc/fstab
> - changing environment variables and filtering them, that passed to
>non-cygwin applications
> - changing program arguments that passed to non-cygwin applications

That all sounds doable but could you refresh my memory on why you need
an /etc/fstab hook?  Was it to map /cygdrive/c -> /c or something?

If so, as long as you're going to have an fstab why not just do that
in the fstab itself?


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