On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 01:52:20PM -0400, LMH wrote:
>I have win7 64-bit computers set up in another location. It would seem 
>that the easiest option would be to make sure that one of those is up to 
>date and then just tar up the cygwin directory and move it.


>I have also 
>found that you can just tar up the local package directory and then run 
>a local install, but this seems to have issues if there are packages in 
>the local install dir from more than one mirror.

I don't see why.  If the directory is duplicated precisely I don't see
how it could matter.

>If I download the normal setup.exe to a 64-bit windows install, will it 
>automatically install the 64-bit version?


>I have never seen the setup64.exe that was mentioned in a previous
>post.  Where would that be located?

64-bit Cygwin is currently still in beta.  setup64 is in the '64bit'
directory on any mirror.  You can't use it to change a Cygwin
installation from 32 - 64 bit though.


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