I don't remember how I installed the cygwin package that is on that machine now, that's one reason I'm asking. I have only ever seen one cygwin setup.exe file. I have always just downloaded it and ran the installer. How would I go about downloading the specific 64-bit packages?


wynfi...@gmail.com wrote:
Ask Microsoft if Microsoft XP 32 bit code will run on Microsoft 64 bit systems.
Should work. But, not a good idea.

Why not, be smart and download the cygwin setup.exe and packages specifically 
built for 64-bit systems and then transer it over to your non-connected 64 bit 
machine with a flash memory stick of suitable capacity.

Or if you wnat simply swap the internet connect calbe to your 64-bit machine, 
do the downloading and then restore it.


LMH <... wrote:
I have a win7 64-bit machine that is not online and I want to update
the cygwin install. What is the best method for doing this? Can I just
copy the current cygwin install off of my XP 32-bit machine and drop
it into the 64-bit win7 rig, or will that create a problem?



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