On Jun 21 09:39, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> On 6/21/2013 3:43 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Guys, whatever the problem here is, it needs to be investigated and
> > potentially implemented by somebody who knows this kerberos/gss-api
> > stuff.  Openssh is built against these libraries and that's it from my
> > side.  If something's missing in openssh to support this correctly on
> > Cygwin, or if the Cygwin DLL to support this authentication model, I
> > simply don't know what it is.  I appreciate any coding help.
> > 
> > Corinna
> Corinna,
> To the best of my knowledge the Heimdal developers have not been
> contacted by the Cygwin Heimdal package maintainer.

Well, if it builds...

> One of my
> companies, Secure Endpoints, maintains the native Windows distribution
> of Heimdal.
>   http://www.secure-endpoints.com/heimdal/
> Please ask the Heimdal package maintainer for Cygwin to contact me so I
> can understand how it is being built.

You can look it up in the source archive really simply:

>From what I gather from the heimdal.cygport file, there's nothing
special in this build, except for four patch files which fix minor
build problems and a signal handling bug.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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