On 6/21/2013 3:43 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Guys, whatever the problem here is, it needs to be investigated and
> potentially implemented by somebody who knows this kerberos/gss-api
> stuff.  Openssh is built against these libraries and that's it from my
> side.  If something's missing in openssh to support this correctly on
> Cygwin, or if the Cygwin DLL to support this authentication model, I
> simply don't know what it is.  I appreciate any coding help.
> Corinna


To the best of my knowledge the Heimdal developers have not been
contacted by the Cygwin Heimdal package maintainer.  One of my
companies, Secure Endpoints, maintains the native Windows distribution
of Heimdal.


Please ask the Heimdal package maintainer for Cygwin to contact me so I
can understand how it is being built.

Jeffrey Altman

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