Another great idea.  I'll give it go. Thank you.

Eliot Moss wrote:
> It sounds as if what you need to know is the calling
> convention for gcc on the x86.  Maybe the easiest
> thing is simply to write and compile some C programs
> and then use gdb to disassemble them (or request
> assembly code output from gcc).  Since you presumably
> grok x86 assembly, this should not be too hard.  The
> C programs in question can include calls to all the
> routines you want to call from assembly.
> Then you write your .s file, assemble it to .o, and
> link as usual.  It might take some linker flag fiddling
> to get exactly what you want, but I don't think this
> is all that deep.
> Regards -- Eliot Moss

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