On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Frank Farance wrote:
> I haven't posted in a long while, but the question seems reasonable and
> relevant to cygwin.  If one were writing assembler code to be compatible
> with cygwin, one would need the answer to the question originally posed.  I
> don't see this as a question about win32 APIs (which might be answered by
> your link above), it is a compatibility question ... certainly, we would
> have thought about it this way when writing a mix of C and assembler code 40
> years ago on UNIX systems.

The OP was related to "How to program".  From cygwin.com/lists.html we have

Finally, make sure when you send a message to a Cygwin list that it
actually has something to do with Cygwin. What do we mean by that?
Well, if you can't install the Cygwin C compiler, then that has
something to do with Cygwin. If you don't know C very well and need
some pointers on writing a program, that really has nothing to do with
Cygwin. If you are trying to run the Cygwin version of bash (the
standard UNIX shell) and it hangs, then that's probably a Cygwin
problem. If you can't figure out how to set up a command alias in
bash, that's not a Cygwin question. These Cygwin questions are
considered "on topic". The non-Cygwin questions are considered "off

Which clearly states that "How to program" posts are off-topic for
this list and any other cygwin list.

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