On 03/04/2013 04:30 PM, marco atzeri wrote:
On 3/4/2013 9:00 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

I have not heard a word on this in the 5 weeks or so since it was sent.
Are you guys interested in fixing this or not?

yes Andrew,
I am working on it, unfortunately this Makefile spaghetti
is not nice to handle

probably 90% is working now, but I just found
that postgres.exe is incomplete

attached current patch for my trial

src/backend/Makefile needs some works for
postgres.exe and libpostgres.a

that I hope is the only missing bit

Incidentally, there is no need to change the test schedules, and such a patch would not be accepted. There is an option to restrict the number of concurrent connections the regression tests will run (designed specifically with Cygwin in mind, in fact, many years ago.) The way to do this is:

    make MAX_CONNECTIONS=10 check



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