On 3/4/2013 9:00 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

I have not heard a word on this in the 5 weeks or so since it was sent.
Are you guys interested in fixing this or not?

yes Andrew,
I am working on it, unfortunately this Makefile spaghetti
is not nice to handle

probably 90% is working now, but I just found
that postgres.exe is incomplete

attached current patch for my trial

src/backend/Makefile needs some works for
postgres.exe and libpostgres.a

that I hope is the only missing bit



--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/Makefile.shlib 2013-02-04 22:28:13.000000000 
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/Makefile.shlib     2013-03-04 11:56:36.238271500 
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@
 ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+  LINK.shared          = $(CC) -shared
     shlib              = cyg$(NAME)$(DLSUFFIX)
@@ -374,6 +375,16 @@
 # If SHLIB_EXPORTS is set, the rules below will build a .def file from
 # that.  Else we build a temporary one here.
+ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
+$(shlib): $(OBJS) | $(SHLIB_PREREQS)
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS)  -shared -o $@  $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SL) 
+$(stlib): $(OBJS) | $(SHLIB_PREREQS)
+       $(LINK.static) $@ $^
+       $(RANLIB) $@
 ifeq (,$(SHLIB_EXPORTS))
 DLL_DEFFILE = lib$(NAME)dll.def
 exports_file = $(DLL_DEFFILE)
@@ -390,6 +401,7 @@
 $(stlib): $(shlib) $(DLL_DEFFILE) | $(SHLIB_PREREQS)
        $(DLLTOOL) --dllname $(shlib) $(DLLTOOL_LIBFLAGS) --def $(DLL_DEFFILE) 
--output-lib $@
+endif # PORTNAME == cygwin 
 endif # PORTNAME == cygwin || PORTNAME == win32
 endif # enable_shared
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/backend/Makefile       2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/backend/Makefile   2013-03-04 11:18:03.048271500 
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
 all: submake-libpgport submake-schemapg postgres $(POSTGRES_IMP)
-ifneq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
 ifneq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
 ifneq ($(PORTNAME), aix)
@@ -56,24 +55,6 @@
-ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
-postgres: $(OBJS) postgres.def libpostgres.a
-       $(DLLTOOL) --dllname $@$(X) --output-exp $@.exp --def postgres.def
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) -o $@$(X) 
-Wl,--base-file,$@.base $@.exp $(call expand_subsys,$(OBJS)) $(LIBS)
-       $(DLLTOOL) --dllname $@$(X) --base-file $@.base --output-exp $@.exp 
--def postgres.def
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) 
-Wl,--stack,$(WIN32_STACK_RLIMIT) -o $@$(X) $@.exp $(call 
expand_subsys,$(OBJS)) $(LIBS)
-       rm -f $@.exp $@.base
-postgres.def: $(OBJS)
-       $(DLLTOOL) --export-all --output-def $@ $(call expand_subsys,$^)
-libpostgres.a: postgres.def
-       $(DLLTOOL) --dllname postgres.exe --def postgres.def --output-lib $@
-endif # cygwin
 ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
 LIBS += -lsecur32
@@ -210,7 +191,7 @@
 install: all installdirs install-bin
 ifeq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
 ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
+#      $(INSTALL_DATA) libpostgres.a '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libpostgres.a'
 ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win32)
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile     2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile 2013-03-04 
11:12:39.523271500 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 top_builddir = ../../..
 include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 override CPPFLAGS := -I$(libpq_srcdir) $(CPPFLAGS)
 OBJS=receivelog.o streamutil.o $(WIN32RES)
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/pg_ctl/Makefile    2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/pg_ctl/Makefile        2013-03-04 
11:04:16.268271500 +0100
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 all: pg_ctl
 pg_ctl: $(OBJS) | submake-libpq submake-libpgport
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(libpq_pgport) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) 
$(LIBS) -o $@$(X)
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(libpq_pgport) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) 
$(LIBS) -o $@$(X) $(LDAP_LIBS_BE)
 install: all installdirs
        $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) pg_ctl$(X) '$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pg_ctl$(X)'
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/pg_dump/Makefile   2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/pg_dump/Makefile       2013-03-04 
11:10:40.034271500 +0100
@@ -12,10 +12,13 @@
 PGFILEDESC = "pg_dump/pg_restore/pg_dumpall - backup and restore PostgreSQL 
 subdir = src/bin/pg_dump
 top_builddir = ../../..
 include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 override CPPFLAGS := -I$(libpq_srcdir) $(CPPFLAGS)
 OBJS=  pg_backup_archiver.o pg_backup_db.o pg_backup_custom.o \
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@
 all: pg_dump pg_restore pg_dumpall
 pg_dump: pg_dump.o common.o pg_dump_sort.o $(OBJS) $(KEYWRDOBJS) | 
submake-libpq submake-libpgport
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pg_dump.o common.o pg_dump_sort.o $(KEYWRDOBJS) $(OBJS) 
$(libpq_pgport) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) -o $@$(X)
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pg_dump.o common.o pg_dump_sort.o $(KEYWRDOBJS) $(OBJS) 
$(libpq_pgport) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) -o $@$(X) 
 pg_restore: pg_restore.o $(OBJS) $(KEYWRDOBJS) | submake-libpq 
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pg_restore.o $(KEYWRDOBJS) $(OBJS) $(libpq_pgport) 
$(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) -o $@$(X)
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/psql/Makefile      2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/psql/Makefile  2013-03-04 11:11:05.859271500 
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 top_builddir = ../../..
 include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 REFDOCDIR= $(top_srcdir)/doc/src/sgml/ref
 override CPPFLAGS := -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(libpq_srcdir) 
-I$(top_srcdir)/src/bin/pg_dump $(CPPFLAGS)
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/scripts/Makefile   2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/bin/scripts/Makefile       2013-03-04 
11:11:44.367271500 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 top_builddir = ../../..
 include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 PROGRAMS = createdb createlang createuser dropdb droplang dropuser clusterdb 
vacuumdb reindexdb
 override CPPFLAGS := -I$(top_srcdir)/src/bin/pg_dump 
-I$(top_srcdir)/src/bin/psql -I$(libpq_srcdir) $(CPPFLAGS)
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/interfaces/libpq/Makefile      2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/interfaces/libpq/Makefile  2013-03-04 
11:03:01.935271500 +0100
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 # Need to recompile any external C files because we need
 # all object files to use the same compile flags as libpq; some
 # platforms require special flags.
-LIBS := $(LIBS:-lpgport=)
+LIBS := $(LIBS:-lpgport=) $(LDAP_LIBS_BE)
 # We can't use Makefile variables here because the MSVC build system scrapes
 # OBJS from this file.
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/makefiles/Makefile.cygwin      2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/makefiles/Makefile.cygwin  2013-02-08 
06:49:00.645766200 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 # src/makefiles/Makefile.cygwin
-DLLTOOL= dlltool
-DLLWRAP= dllwrap
 ifdef PGXS
 BE_DLLLIBS= -L$(libdir) -lpostgres
@@ -40,6 +38,4 @@
 # Rule for building a shared library from a single .o file
 %.dll: %.o
-       $(DLLTOOL) --export-all --output-def $*.def $<
-       $(DLLWRAP) -o $@ --def $*.def $< $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SL) $(BE_DLLLIBS)
-       rm -f $*.def
+        $(CC) $(CFLAGS)  -shared -o $@ $<  $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SL) 
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/makefiles/pgxs.mk      2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/makefiles/pgxs.mk  2013-03-03 22:40:26.148157400 
@@ -296,5 +296,5 @@
 ifdef PROGRAM
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(PG_LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) -o 
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(PG_LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_EX) $(LIBS) 
$(LDAP_LIBS_BE) -o $@$(X)
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/port/Makefile  2013-02-04 22:28:13.000000000 
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/port/Makefile      2013-03-04 10:59:59.686271500 
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 override CPPFLAGS := -I$(top_builddir)/src/port -DFRONTEND $(CPPFLAGS)
 OBJS = $(LIBOBJS) chklocale.o dirmod.o erand48.o exec.o fls.o inet_net_ntop.o \
        noblock.o path.o pgcheckdir.o pg_crc.o pgmkdirp.o pgsleep.o \
--- origsrc/postgresql-9.2.3/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule 2013-02-04 
22:28:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/postgresql-9.2.3/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule     2013-02-08 
07:07:03.526595700 +0100
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
 # ----------
 # The first group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: boolean char name varchar text int2 int4 int8 oid float4 float8 bit 
numeric txid uuid enum money rangetypes
+test: boolean char name varchar text int2 int4 int8 oid 
+test: float4 float8 bit numeric txid uuid enum money rangetypes
 # Depends on things setup during char, varchar and text
 test: strings
@@ -23,7 +24,8 @@
 # ----------
 # The second group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: point lseg box path polygon circle date time timetz timestamp 
timestamptz interval abstime reltime tinterval inet macaddr tstypes comments
+test: point lseg box path polygon circle date time timetz timestamp 
+test: timestamptz interval abstime reltime tinterval inet macaddr tstypes 
 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
@@ -78,7 +80,10 @@
 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: select_into select_distinct select_distinct_on select_implicit 
select_having subselect union case join aggregates transactions random portals 
arrays btree_index hash_index update namespace prepared_xacts delete
+# test: select_into select_distinct select_distinct_on select_implicit 
select_having subselect union case join aggregates transactions random portals 
arrays btree_index hash_index update namespace prepared_xacts delete
+test: select_into select_distinct select_distinct_on select_implicit 
select_having subselect union case
+test: join aggregates transactions random portals arrays btree_index 
hash_index update namespace delete
+# test: prepared_xacts 
 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
@@ -92,14 +97,18 @@
 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: select_views portals_p2 foreign_key cluster dependency guc bitmapops 
combocid tsearch tsdicts foreign_data window xmlmap functional_deps 
advisory_lock json
+#test: select_views portals_p2 foreign_key cluster dependency guc bitmapops 
combocid tsearch tsdicts foreign_data window xmlmap functional_deps 
advisory_lock json
+test: select_views portals_p2 foreign_key cluster dependency guc bitmapops 
+test: combocid tsearch tsdicts foreign_data window xmlmap functional_deps 
advisory_lock json
 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # NB: temp.sql does a reconnect which transiently uses 2 connections,
 # so keep this parallel group to at most 19 tests
 # ----------
-test: plancache limit plpgsql copy2 temp domain rangefuncs prepare without_oid 
conversion truncate alter_table sequence polymorphism rowtypes returning 
largeobject with xml
+# test: plancache limit plpgsql copy2 temp domain rangefuncs prepare 
without_oid conversion truncate alter_table sequence polymorphism rowtypes 
returning largeobject with xml
+test: plancache limit plpgsql copy2 temp domain rangefuncs prepare without_oid 
+test: conversion truncate alter_table sequence polymorphism rowtypes returning 
largeobject with xml
 # run stats by itself because its delay may be insufficient under heavy load
 test: stats

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