Daniel Colascione <dancol <at> dancol.org> writes:
> > I need to keep the emacs-w32 and emacs-gtk under cygwin apart and AFAIK
> > they both get reported as 'cygwin.  So I was looking for a way to know
> > this other than by looking at the build string.
> Ah. You want (window-system) then.

Thanks.  Now, after I set "DejaVu Sans Mono" for X11 and "Consolas" for W32, the
problem with emacs hanging up on me is gone as well.  So it seems that the
invocation of the xft(?) stuff was to blame...  I would use Consolas for X11,
but it renders horribly (like a bold font) with xft and I've not been able to
fix it.


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