On 12/6/12 7:13 PM, Ken Brown wrote:> And I've just discovered what
that something is:  After the cygw32
> build is configured, HAVE_GSETTINGS and HAVE_GCONF are defined to be 1
> in src/config.h (assuming you have the relevant -devel packages
> installed).  And GSettings and GConf are Glib features that require a
> D-Bus daemon.
> A workaround is to add the configure options --without-gsettings and
> --without-gconf, but that shouldn't be necessary.  If the --with-w32
> option is given, then configure shouldn't even be checking for
> GSettings and GConf.  Can you fix this?

Will do. I suspect it's because I simply don't have these libraries
installed that the problem doesn't show up in my build.

I'll see whether I can fix the icon issue before the final release too.

Thanks for tracking down the problem.

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