On 12/6/2012 9:15 PM, Chaz Littlejohn wrote:
> a workaround was already available on first link you provided
>   chgrp -R Users ~/.ssh

I had tried this earlier running the chgrp.exe, but it threw an error
saying unknown group 'Users'. I assume this is because when chgrp.exe
is located outside of the default cygwin directory, it doesn't know
where to find the group file. I also attempted to create a separate
file where i'd dump the contents of my private key into, but that file
seems to also be afflicted by this permissions problem of having 660
with no group set.

> This may just be a problem in terminology but if you're planning to
> only provide a link to Cygwin's site/source, this will not be compliant
> with GPL license.  You have to provide the source for the specific
> binaries you're distributing.  Obviously, the versions may be different
> than whatever is available from the Cygwin site, which is why a simple
> link/pointer is not sufficient.

Yes, this was clarified by the folks on the cygwin-licensing mailing
list and shouldn't be a problem.


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