Chaz Littlejohn wrote:
> We bundle several of the Cygwin utilities (rsync.exe, cypath.exe,
> ssh.exe, ssh-keygen.exe) in with our application rather than forcing
> users to install Cygwin.

Based on your email address, I assume the application you're referring
to is Pokeit, downloadable from  Having
just installed this, I can see it is indeed using cygwin1.dll (md5
bc68345f873de78310d324320e82fe65), plus other programs such as ssh (md5

It's not clear to me (mostly because I don't know how to check the
linker on Windows) if you're linking your binaries to the Cygwin dll
(and hence if your application is covered by the GPL).  It is clear,
however, that you're distributing the Cygwin dll and some associated
binaries without making the source code readily available.  That's a
breach of the Cygwin licensing terms.

The only note I could find on your website about software licensing was
in, which makes no mention of the GPL or
Cygwin, and explicitly states "this Agreement do not grant you any ...
right, title or interest in the Software or Service, ownership of which
is retained solely by Pokeit" and "Customer agrees that Customer will
not directly or indirectly ...  distribute ... the Software, or make the
Software available to third parties".  By my understanding, if you're
distributing GPLv3+ software such as cygwin1.dll, these are not rights
you can withhold on that software.

Adam Dinwoodie
The views in this post do not represent the views of my employer.

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