On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 10:54:25AM -0400, Eliot Moss wrote:
>On 11/2/2012 10:32 AM, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>On 11/02/2012 05:36 AM, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>Can we declare an end to the philosophical flames on how to write uses
>of parameters in bash scripts, please?

I know that I, of all people, shouldn't be encouraging this type of
thing but I actually found the discussion interesting.  But, you're
right, and Andrew even acknowledged that the discussion had strayed
and should be taken elsewhere.

But, if anyone wants to continue the philosophy, I'll grant a TITTL

>Maybe if we're friendly enough the OP will actually share what the real
>problem was and we can offer some specific help ...

Or, we could even call this whole discussion closed since it seems to
have nothing to do with Cygwin and even the non-philosophical part seems
to have been beaten to death.


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