I'm trying to use ssh to run a windows only program in parallel with a mac only 
program. To do this I needed to do a few steps.

1. Install cygwin with opensshd on windows using RSA authentication.
2. Access the Z: drive (\\psf\Host) on ssh as this is where the files are 
stored which are being processed.

I cannot complete step 2. Here are the details of what I've tried.

On ssh:
ls /cygdrive/

On Cygwin Terminal:
ls /cygdrive/
c u w x y z

>From what I read here http://cygwin.com/faq-nochunks.html#faq.using.shares, in 
>order to access shares via sshd, you have to ether run the service as the user 
>the shares are on (Administrator) or mount using net use via ssh.

I first try to start sshd as Administrator via "sshd -p /usr/sbin/sshd -a -D -u 
Administrator", but whenever I try to start it I get:
cygrunsrv -S sshd
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: StartService: Win32 error 1069:
The service did not start due to a logon failure.

I thought this could mean my password is incorrect, so I tried logging out and 
logging back in to test my password and it was correct. So I gave up and just 
ran sshd as system (default) and tried using the mounting of the network drive.

net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status Local Remote Network

U: \\psf\Finance Folder Parallels Shared Folders
W: \\psf\Power Parallels Shared Folders
X: \\psf\Work Computer Parallels Shared Folders
Y: \\psf\Home Parallels Shared Folders
z: \\.PSF\Host Parallels Shared Folders
Z: \\psf\Host Parallels Shared Folders
The command completed successfully.

Then I read http://forum.parallels.com/pda/index.php/t-17049.html tried what 
they suggested and got:
net use 'Z:' '\\.PSF\Host'
The password is invalid for \\.PSF\Host.

Enter the user name for '.PSF': System error 1223 has occurred.

The operation was canceled by the user.

I've tried many different varieties such as changing ".PSF" to psf and PSF. 
Nothing worked. I also tried adding the password of my windows account and I 
net use 'Z:' '\\.PSF\Host' password
System error 5 has occurred.

Access is denied.

I then tried the same password as my Mac's and same result.

If I start sshd in Cygwin Terminal on Administrator, I can in-fact access Z: 
and run the command I want.

Any help?


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