[posted today to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (via Gmane) in order to try to get Cygwin's worthies in the loop].
Subject: Where it runs or what it Does?? (RFC) Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 17:56:00 -0500 ------------------------------------------------------------------- [[EMAIL PROTECTED] being asked:] Hi Good Folks, "namespace" advice requested. I have written an extension module that I need to name and get uploaded to CPAN. My Subject: line means that as I see it there are two common approaches to naming modules: where it runs ("BSD::Foo"), or what it does ("Filesys::Bar"). My inclination is to try to use 'what it does' FIRST and only resort to "where it runs" when I need to make it clear that there's a special purpose for the module; that it is platform-specific in some sense. I think this is (at least partially) correct Perl philosophy. The oddball module i've written is for doing some path manipulations on Cygwin. Cygwin is and yet isn't a "platform"; it's a posix overlayer running above Microsoft Windows. It emulates *nix to such a degree that normally we don't think about anything Cygwin-specific needing to be added; Cygwin Perl is just a very basic vanilla *nix perl with no special functionality added. Contrast with ActivePerl, which is Win32 Perl and that means special namespaces defined and all sorts of extra stuff (modules) thrown in. But there's a little fly (in my ointment). Cygwin Perl can run in all sorts of different contexts and be used for many uses. Someday somewhere somebody is going to be using Cygwinperl and want to have it tell another application FooMe.exe (thru a 'system()' call, for ex.) that it wants FooMe to do something with the file "/cygdrive/r/obscure/directory/dirtypictures.jpg" or "~/.initme_rc" or "/tmp/*.doc". And that app FooMe is a Windows app that knows nothing about posix-style paths and will upchuck on the argument. In fact, I think this HAS already happened, amazingly, to somebody, somewhere ;-) . So this module will offer the very simple service of some subroutines that will take a path as an input arg and return a path. There are four subs right now (the XSUBS are named something longer; these are perl subs): posixpath win32path fullposixpath fullwin32path And they do just about what you'd think. They access the Cygwin C API through XS glue. One "trouble" is that conceptually the persons involved with perl on Cygwin don't all want any sort of Cygwin:: namespace and don't really agree that there's anything unusual about Cygwinperl that differentiates it from any generic *nix perl. I know better: on Cygwin, there is always going to be more than one canonical-ly-correct way to refer to a file by path name (!!): /posixstyle/file.name --VS-- R:\something\mounted\to\posixstyle\file.name --and-- R:/something/mounted/to/posixstyle/file.name Which last, Cygwin is also perfectly happy to accept and is IMHO the ideal "happy medium" or lingua franca for most "hybrid" situations on Cygwin. People are calling this a "mixed" path. That's a difference. A psuedo-filesystem difference, IMO. But like it or not, find it 'easy to categorize' or not, there IS a difference (between generic *nix perl and Cygwin perl). So my present analysis is that my module belongs in a base namespace of "Filesys::" and maybe could be named "CygwinPaths"? I think it would keep the maintainer of Cygwin Perl happy -- or should -- if named like this. What do YOU think? Best, Soren A -- conway: unit of mind expansion. One Conway == ~20 lines of Perl code found in$CPAN/authors/id/D/DC/DCONWAY, which gives the sensation of your brain being wrapped around a brick, with kiwi juice squeezed on top. -- Ziggy (via Schwern) -- http://fastmail.fm - Same, same, but different... -- Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple Bug reporting: http://cygwin.com/bugs.html Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/