On 5 May 2012 01:23, Fedin Pavel wrote:
>  Look at your /etc/passwd. Here, on my machine,home directory is empty for
> my username. Perhaps mkpasswd's bug. You can fix it by manually setting the
> right path in /etc/passwd.

That fixed it, thanks!

On 5 May 2012 04:55, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Indeed, that's a bug in mkpasswd I introduced in December.  I don't know
> what I was thinking when I made the change, but it results in the
> following misbehaviour:
> I fixed that in CVS for now, but I'm wondering if that doesn't qualify
> for a new Cygwin release...

As per Thomas' response, anything that depends on getpwuid() would be
affected and for only new installs (which would explain why I hadn't
seen this before).  So as to not confuse new users, it may be worth
the effort to produce a new release.

On 5 May 2012 06:15, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> It's a bug in openssh (I think) that it does not use $HOME but retrieves the
> used home directory via getpwuid() which looks into /etc/passwd.
> I reported this upstream a while ago but since on Linux systems fewer people
> have a $HOME setting different from /etc/passwd they don't seem to care.
> Also I got the hint that it uses getpwuid in some situations and $HOME in
> others which can be seen in the code but yet remains obscure.

Agreed, it seems odd that ssh is ignoring $HOME.

Thank you,


Chris Sutcliffe

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