On May  5 09:23, Fedin Pavel wrote:
> On 05.05.2012 7:06, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> >I'm at a loss as to why it's looking in the root directory.
>  Look at your /etc/passwd. Here, on my machine,home directory is
> empty for my username. Perhaps mkpasswd's bug. You can fix it by
> manually setting the right path in /etc/passwd.

Indeed, that's a bug in mkpasswd I introduced in December.  I don't know
what I was thinking when I made the change, but it results in the
following misbehaviour:

If you run mkpasswd with the -c option to generate an entry for the
current user, and if $HOME is set at the time, then mkpasswd misses to
print the value of $HOME, and the generated passwd entry keeps empty.

I fixed that in CVS for now, but I'm wondering if that doesn't qualify
for a new Cygwin release...


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