On Mar  1 19:22, Kitchens wrote:
> I've noticed this as well, and it seems to be a difference between
> /dev/consX and /dev/ptyX ttys. Mintty seems to work fine, whereas
> cmd.exe or Console2 (basically a cmd wrapper) cannot CTRL+C on the
> command line to abort it. Ctrl+C does, however, issue a SIGINT for a
> running process.

Confirmed.  If you start an interactive subshell, Ctrl-C starts working
again in there, so this only affects the parent process in a console.

I think I see where this is coming from.  I applied a patch to CVS which
fixes this issue, at least for applications calling tcsetattr, like
interactive processes usually do.  AFAICS, there's another patch required
for non-interactive processes.


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