I've noticed this as well, and it seems to be a difference between
/dev/consX and /dev/ptyX ttys. Mintty seems to work fine, whereas
cmd.exe or Console2 (basically a cmd wrapper) cannot CTRL+C on the
command line to abort it. Ctrl+C does, however, issue a SIGINT for a
running process.

This issue has come up a lot in the mailing list archives, but at the
time all solutions pointed to using the "CYGWIN=tty" environment
variable -- which has been removed in the latest updates.


On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Scott McCaskill
<scott.mccask...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use vi mode (set -o vi) in bash.  A couple of days ago I updated my
> cygwin installation and now I'm no longer able to use ctrl-c to abort
> command line editing.  Specifically, while typing a command or editing
> a previous command from the history, it used to be possible to discard
> the command text and return to a fresh prompt by pressing ctrl-c.  I
> thought it might be something peculiar to my bash configuration, but I
> get the same behavior when running bash with --norc.  I'm fairly
> certain that the last time I updated my cygwin installation prior to
> this was no earlier than December 2011.
> Any help is appreciated; let me know if you need more information
> (output of cygcheck -s -v -r attached).
> Scott McCaskill
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