I've got a C++ tree that is running under Fedora 14, Fedora 16, and Cygwin. Everything works.

Tonight, I needed to test something and was on my Windows box, so I did a cut-and-paste operation which gave me a directory of "Copy of myStuff". I did a make and it worked, but I am seeing a message about "basename: extra operand 'myStuff'.

I figured out that the spaces in the MS "Copy of myStuff" were the problem and was able to rename w/o spaces and move forward.

But I would like to ask if anyone knows what in "make" uses the basename command so I can try to either massage the Makefile to deal with it or throw a more meaningful error (as in "your directory has spaces in it and there will be complaints")?

I also noticed that if I run "make >& make.out" that the message is printed to the terminal and is not in make.out. What am I missing to capture all output in make.out?

Thanks in advance,

ps: I haven't included all the details of cygcheck as I think the issue is on my end once I have an idea of why basename is being called -- will gladly provide if it helps

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