On 3/2/2012 1:10 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Mar  1 17:50, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
Given that the problem is identified (basename doesn't like spaces),
This is not correct.  It's not that basename doesn't like spaces, the
problem is incorrect quoting.  Example:

   $ basename /a/b/c.d .d
   $ basename "/a/b/c.d .d"
   c.d .d

And since the result still contains a space, you still have to quote
it when using it in subsequent calls:

   $ cat "c.d .d"
   $ cat c.d .d
   cat: c.d: No such file or directory
   cat: .d: No such file or directory



Thanks. Once Dave Korn led me to the alias I had in .bashrc and I could see that I was, in fact, calling basename (and my alias wasn't correct), everything began to fall into place.

My original assumption was very incorrect.

I also thank you for showing me that it will be a double quote and not a single quote.


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