On 12/28/2011 03:53 PM, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
> I also remember reading somewhere once that you should be able create a
> configuration template that would be used by new repositories created by
> git init or git clone that can set the property as you need.  I can't
> find any links for that at the moment though. :-/

The manpages for git init and git clone have the information about the
template directory.  See the --template option for both commands.

Sadly, neither this option nor the system-wide /etc/gitconfig file will
work in this case because apparently core.filemode is always set in the
local config for the repository being created as determined by the build
time settings.  This overrides the setting from the template as well as
the system-wide setting in /etc/gitconfig.

I don't see any way around this except to either build your own Git that
doesn't include the Cygwin changes or run a git config command to set
core.filemode after cloning or initializing a repository.  Sorry if I
got your hopes up.  Hopefully, the Cygwin changes aren't really a
problem for you.


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