On 12/28/2011 03:14 PM, cxira wrote:
> I noticed when using the Git that is distributed under the Cygwin setup (Git
> v1.7.5.1-1) that, when creating a new repository, the core.filemode local
> setting is set to true. Being under Windows, this should be false because of
> how file permissions are handled.

While lacking detail, the announcement about that version of Git
mentions that there are some changes included to work around choices
made upstream regarding file permissions management under Cygwin:


This is nothing new for Cygwin's Git.  There's a good chance that if you
build from the Git sources distributed via setup.exe rather than the
upstream sources, you will get a Git that behaves the same as the one
shipped by setup.exe.

All that said, I've never run into file permission issues using Cygwin's
Git.  You probably won't either as long as you don't need to host your
repositories on FAT or FAT32 filesystems.

If you would still prefer to have that setting set as per upstream while
avoiding local builds, I believe you can set it as you need in
/etc/gitconfig, and all repositories should inherit that setting unless
the user explicitly overrides it in global or local config settings.

I also remember reading somewhere once that you should be able create a
configuration template that would be used by new repositories created by
git init or git clone that can set the property as you need.  I can't
find any links for that at the moment though. :-/


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