On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 03:50:45PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Oct 25 12:00, Luke Kendall wrote:
> > Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > >On Aug 19 11:09, Luke Kendall wrote:
> > >>Soon, I will have prepared a list of the location of every license
> > >>file in every Cygwin package.  My motivation is to make it easy for
> > >>people to find the license information, if they need it.
> > >>
> > >>(Preparing this information has required a lot of work on my part,
> > >>so I would be happy if something could be done to make it easy to
> > >>keep the information up to date as packages are added and modified.)
> > >>
> > >>What is the best way to contribute the license-location information
> > >>so it can be integrated into Cygwin?
> > >
> > >Just create a new package for the distro which keeps the information
> > >and maintain it.  Somebody will have to keep the information up to date
> > >anyway.
> > 
> > Is usr/share/doc/common-licenses/ within the "base-files" package,
> > supposed to be the place where all license information is collected?
> > Should I just use that instead of creating a new package?
> Sure, why not, if that's ok with David.  You can also rip out the
> usr/share/doc/common-licenses directory from base-files and create
> a licenses package with all licenses.  Just as you two want it.

There's also another solution: include licensing information within
base-files, and co-mantain it. It's already under version control.
Luke, if it's ok with you, I'd go this way.

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