Corinna Vinschen, le Fri 19 Aug 2011 13:50:19 +0200, a écrit :
> >   .wVirtualKeyCode = 0x630,

Eergl, no, that should have been 0x30 here, our code does properly masks
out the high part, I just missed that in our code.

> a simple testcase (wow!)

Sorry, but I'm not paid for this, I don't actually use the software at
all (neither brltty nor windows), don't actually own the hardware (thus
had to emulate it in qemu by first reverse-engineering the actual device
behavior), it just seems I'm the only guy in the world that knows a bit
about both brltty and windows and knows that some people *need* it, and
I thus spend time on it, and it was already almost 5am...

>   /* Create correct CtrlKeyState from high byte returned by VkKeyScanW. */
>   if (vks & 0x100)
>     ctrl |= SHIFT_PRESSED;
>   if (vks & 0x200)
>     ctrl |= RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED;
>   if (vks & 0x400)
>     ctrl |= RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED;

Err, do you mean LEFT_ALT_PRESSED here? Right alt is altgr in some
keyboard layouts, which is precisely what people use to type '@' in
the french layout, actually. E.g. LeftAlt-A and RightAlt-A (i.e.
altgr-a) is not the same in such layouts. In the past we were using
left_ctrl+left_alt, but this was not working in DOS applications in cmd,
so we made it a special case by using right alt instead.

I have now added right control along right alt, which indeed fixes
the issue, I am apparently unable to run DOS applications in my XP
installation, but I hope it will also work there.


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