[Corinna Vinschen]

> On Jul 13 15:37, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>> Corinna Vinschen, le Wed 13 Jul 2011 15:05:50 +0200, a écrit :
>> > On Jul 13 13:41, Lars Bjørndal wrote:
>> > > I'm using a com-port, since Modular Evolution has USB2serial conversion.
>> > > 
>> > > The latest cygwin1.dll that works for me, is 20110502.
>> > 
>> > Hmm, it seems I introduced a bug into serial I/O afterwards.
>> > Does brltty use blocking or nonblocking I/O?
>> nonblocking.
> I just applied a patch which tries to handle nonblocking I/O better.
> Can you give it a try, please?

Thank you! It works perfectly.

Now, back to the original problem, with c-x, c-c within Emacs.

Running Emacs from bash shell, and pressing this sequence, the Emacs
program exits, as expected. Witin a remote ssh session however, c-c get
the session to exit with the messsage: "Killed by signal 2".

Steps to reproduce:

1. Run cmd

2. bash --login -i

3. ssh user@host

4. c-c

There is also some issues when navigating in an emacs buffer with
cursoring keys. A beep is produced every time the cursor moves over a
line break. Try also to type a tab character and then use left arrow.
You'll then hear a beep. Also spaces generates beeps if you navigate
between them, but I'm not sure if that happens all the time.

Thanks and regards,

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