Hello jojelino,

I just rebuild cygwin1.dll latest snapshot. 

> I believe the attached patch workarounds delayed wait_sig problem.
Yes - it works fine!

> This yielded speed improvement. i ran your testcase and same timestamp 
> recorded 35. approx 2x speed.

                                      XP/32              Win7/64
cygwin snapshot 2011-07-21              34                  12
cygwin snapshot 2011-07-21 SIGPATCH     44                  37

As you see XP and Win7 now a really faster.
Win7 3x speed - wow.

> but i can't make sure it doesn't include side-effects. please test it on 
> your pc. let's hope it would work.
I will test ist.

I've already recognize one positive side effect:
The CTRL-C Handler works now even faster.
With unpatched cygwin1.dll there was a realy long delay, after pressing CTRL-C.
Can you agree this too?

I'm very interested if this patch will be released or not.
I'm interested in the opionion opinion of C. Vinschen and C Faylor.

best regards


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