
next time we will change our PC's from Intel Core2 Quad Core Q9550 WinXP/32 SP3
to Xeon E31275 WIN7/64 SP1.

At the moment I test the performance of our make system with cygwin 1.7-9 latest
snapshot from 2011-07-21.

I notice a very performance degree in starting/forking other executables from
within bash/make.
I found severeal postings regarding this problem and I can reproduce the problem
with a small testcase which I found in another posting.

DATE=`which date` ; { while true ; do $DATE ; done } > list.log

I count the lines in list.log with same timestamp I will get the following
timestamps per seconds:

                       XP/32              Win7/64
cygwin                  34                  12
mingw                   35                  34
MKS (eval version)     107                  99

I've searched other postings for a solution - but I cannot find one.

Using Cygwin since several years I'm very sad cause Cygwin seem to be a really
good and full implmentation of UNIX commands.

So the question is:

Is it a known problem?
Is it really OS (Win7) specific?

Why is this problem not solved - cause it is to difficult to find? Yes I know
it's open source and I'm a programmer too - but I'm realy not a programmer
having the knowledge of Cygwin internal details.

Is there a workaround for that problem?
Any hints are welcome.

best regards


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