On 25/05/2011 3:48 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
On 25 May 2011 19:05, Ryan Johnson wrote:
How do you get mintty to see Liberation Mono? I downloaded the family
redhat, installed it on my w7-x64 machine, made sure it was set to
and started a fresh mintty, but it still can't find the font.
Works for me, on w7-x64. Make sure the font shows up in the Fonts
control panel and that it isn't hidden, i.e. not appearing greyed out.
There's a 'Show' button along the top of the panel in case it is.
I tried to say before that I have done that (I saw the closed bug about this
and made sure to follow the instructions there). Unchecking that setting
about language-specific hiding made a whole bunch of other (presumably
Asian) fonts show up in mintty, but still no Liberation Mono.
I actually wasn't talking about that option, but the abilily to
show/hide each font separately. But it doesn't sound like that's the
issue anyway.
The font is officially installed, officially showing, and usable by just
about everything except mintty. Most apps (like Word) picked it up
Right, I'm afraid that leaves me stumped, given it's fine here. Do you
fancy messing with the mintty source code to see which flag on
ChooseFont() is excluding that font? It's in select_font() in
winctrls.c. I guess CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY is the prime candidate.
Removing CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY indeed allows the font to show (and a whole
pile of non fixed-pitch friends). Apparently the font version I
downloaded (liberation-fonts-ttf- doesn't mark itself as
When I select liberation mono, ChooseFont populates the LOGFONT with
lfPitchAndFamily=0x32. MSDN says:
The two low-order bits specify the pitch of the font and can be one of
the following values.
Sure enough, grep-find over /usr/include/w32api shows:
wingdi.h:380:#define VARIABLE_PITCH 2
I guess somebody needs to file a bug with fedorahosted.org, but I didn't
see an obvious way to request an account with them. Do you have one by
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