On Mar  7 08:18, Mirko Vukovic wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:34 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On Mar  2 15:06, Mirko Vukovic wrote:
> >> So, to summarize,
> >>
> >> - from work, I can access github using ssh 4.3, but not ssh 5.8 (I get
> >>  `connection reset by peer', or` remote end hang up unxepectedly'),
> >> - from home, ssh 5.8 gives me the PTY error, but I can perform push
> >>   to github.
> >
> > Did you try to revert to openssh 5.6p1-2?
> Yes.  It behaves the same way (PTY error, but git push origin master works)
> Where can I find 5.5 of openSSH?  I had that ssh working from October 2010.
> Or do I have to get the sources and compile them?

Yes, but they build out of the box.

However, what Dave wrote still applies.  If you run an ssh client, it
does not try to create a pty.  The pty creation occurs solely on the
server side.

The difference may be that the client requests a pty, while the other
client doesn't   This can be a result of different ssh config settings.
Check you ~/.ssh/config file.


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