On 1 March 2011 03:33, Mirko Vukovic wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Rafael Kitover <...> wrote:

>>>> I am trying to ssh to g...@github.com, and I get the error
>>>> "PTY allocation request failed on channel 0"
>> ...
>> That message is coming from github.com, it does not allow opening
>> interactive sessions. You can only use it for git.
> I don't think so.  That command works from me from a linux box.
> Futhermore, this ssh connection is documented here:
> http://help.github.com/msysgit-key-setup/
> It is used to test the login to the github.com account.

Nevertheless the error message is coming from the server side. Ssh
doesn't need to allocate a pty on the client side. It could be that
the server is just too busy.


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