* Bryan Slatner (Tue, 1 Feb 2011 04:33:40 +0000 (UTC))
> I'm trying to install Cygwin on a stock Amazon EC2 Windows 2008 64-bit
> image.
> At the end of setup, I get a dialog that says "Postinstall script errors" 
> with the 
> following information in it:
> Package: Unknown package
>       000-cygwin-post-install.sh exit code -1073741819
>       base-files-mketc.sh exit code -1073741819
>       base-files-profile.sh exit code -1073741819
>       bash.sh exit code 35584
>       coreutils.sh exit code -1073741819
>       joe.sh exit code -1073741819
>       man.sh exit code -1073741819
>       terminfo.sh exit code 35584
>       terminfo0.sh exit code -1073741819
Why don't you simply run (at least) one of the scripts manually and see 
if you see an error?!

> Following some suggestions, I turned off DEP, but the problem
> persists.

UAC is much more likely a problem.


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