On 31 July 2010 16:11, Andy Koppe wrote:
> On 31 July 2010 15:24, JOHNER Jean 066030 wrote:
>>>> I use Mintty with the following options:
>>>> Background: white, Foreground: black, Text: Fixedsys 9 pts, Cursor:
>>>> line.
>>>> With such options, vim with default unix .vimrc colors looks great in
>>>> insert mode. However the cursor appears to be a little too thin in my
>>>> opinion (sometimes difficult to find on the screen).
>>> It's the standard Windows cursor, same as you get in any other Windows
>>> application. Try the block or underscore cursors for something more
>>> substantial.
>> Indeed, the Mintty line cursor is also used by WordPad but Word uses a
>> thicker cursor (probably for the same reasons as mine).
> Hmm, good point, I hadn't noticed that. Same in OpenOffice Writer as well.
> Do you want to enter an enhancement issue at
> http://code.google.com/p/mintty/issues?

Turns out there's a global Windows setting for the cursor width, at
Control Panel -> Accessibility Options -> Display (that's where it is
in XP anyway). Trouble is, mintty doesn't support it, but fixing that
will address the issue without having to introduce a new option, so
that's what I'll do.


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