On 29 July 2010 21:33, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> I use Mintty with the following options:
>> Background: white, Foreground: black, Text: Fixedsys 9 pts, Cursor:
>> line.
>> With such options, vim with default unix .vimrc colors looks great in
>> insert mode. However the cursor appears to be a little too thin in my
>> opinion (sometimes difficult to find on the screen).
> It's the standard Windows cursor, same as you get in any other Windows
> application. Try the block or underscore cursors for something more
> substantial.
>> Could Andy envisage to give it some thickness
> Envisage? Yes. Implement? No, not unless there's substantial demand
for it.

The line cursor is well adapted for insert mode (gvim switches from
block to line cursor when insert mode is activated). 
Indeed, the Mintty line cursor is also used by WordPad but Word uses a
thicker cursor (probably for the same reasons as mine).

Perhaps you could envisage proposing both.

Anyway, it is a detail.
Thank you again for this very nice piece of code.

Jean Johner

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