Here is what the CVS folks said in response to my e-mail to them.  My original 
message is after their response.

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Jones [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 11:31 AM
To: Roe, Kevin L.
Subject: Re: "No such file"

Roe, Kevin L. writes:
> S-> RCS_checkout (/usr/gapps/AEAG/cvs_modules/Utilities/,v, 1.8, , 
> , (function))
> cvs checkout: cannot write Utilities/ No such file or directory

Hmmmm, that looks like some kind of a bug/incompatibility in cygwin. 
You need to ask the cygwin folks what would cause

        open("", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0777)

to fail with errno set to ENOENT.
Larry Jones

I wonder if you can refuse to inherit the world. -- Calvin

Here is the trace for a checkout.  I've removed most of the file and left just 
two similarly named files.  One failed and one succeeded.

S-> RCS_checkout (/usr/gapps/AEAG/cvs_modules/Utilities/,v, 
S-> 1.8, , , (function))
cvs checkout: cannot write Utilities/ No such file or directory
S-> server_register(, 1.8, , , , , ) Register(, 
S-> 1.8, , ,  )

S-> RCS_checkout (/usr/gapps/AEAG/cvs_modules/Utilities/,v, 
S-> 1.2, , , (function))
U Utilities/
  -> rename(,
  -> Register(, 1.2, Tue Jan 12 00:23:42 2010, ,  )
  -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
S-> server_register(, 1.2, , , , , ) Register(, 1.2, 
S-> , ,  )


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Jones []
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:57 PM
To: Roe, Kevin L.
Subject: Re: "No such file"

Roe, Kevin L. writes:
> The situation:
> I check out a module of my repository (located on a remote machine) 
> and a handful of files do not get downloaded due to the "no such file"
> error described below.  I then try to update the same module and get 
> the same error on the same files.  I check it out again and get 
> exactly the same response on exactly the same files.

Please run the update again with the -t global option to get a trace and post 
it.  My guess is that the affected files have funky names that are confusing 
cygwin and/or Windows.
Larry Jones

Hello, local Navy recruitment office?  Yes, this is an emergency... -- Calvin

I'm going to try to add more information in the effort to get a response.

My system setup:
64 bit XP
Dual quad-core
Cygwin 1.7.1

The situation:
I check out a module of my repository (located on a remote machine) and a 
handful of files do not get downloaded due to the "no such file" error 
described below.  I then try to update the same module and get the same error 
on the same files.  I check it out again and get exactly the same response on 
exactly the same files.
I have checked the permissions on the files in the repository.
I have removed some watches that were on some of the files.

Bottom line:
I have a very repeatable problem with no evidence of a cause I've found.

If you have any suggestions, please respond.

If this is the incorrect forum, please advise.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Roe, Kevin L.
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 4:43 PM
Subject: "No such file"

I just checked out my repository and got the error:

cvs checkout:  cannot write [filename]:  No such file or directory

What does this mean and how do I fix it?


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