On 3/16/2010 4:35 PM, Roe, Kevin L. wrote:
> The built in version of CVS is the "unstable" feature release version 1.12.13
> I am having problems with CVS that I never had before I upgraded cygwin to 
> 1.7.1.
> Has anybody seen this before?


> How do I "downgrade" CVS within cygwin down to the "stable" release 1.11.23 ?

Use setup.exe.  In the package chooser, go to the 'Up To Date' page.
Find cvs.  Click on the word 'keep' until it cycle around to the prev:
version, 1.11.22-1 (we've never had a cygwin port of '1.11.23').

While I'm not ruling out a problem with cygwin's current cvs package, I
tend to doubt it is the true culprit here.  I'd be interested in hearing
back (on this list) if cygwin-1.7.1 + cvs-1.11.22 actually fixes your
problem; I rather doubt it will.


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