On 12/03/2010 17:28, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> Hang on.  This endless loop has nothing to do with Cygwin code.  The
> addresses show that we're outside of Cygwin, which is in the 0x61xxxxxx
> address range.  0x7dxxxxxx is probably somewher in a Windows DLL.  

  That'll be WFMO, I'd bet.  So it's consistent with the suggestion that we're
somewhere deeper down the call stack doing the low_priority_sleep, and the
top-level in shared.cc is looping forever.

>  and I can't
> figure out any situation in which this could result in an endless loop
> *unless* the process which is doing the initial initialization has been
> forcefully teminated during initialization.

  Or thrown an exception, or called api_fatal, I would expect.


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