On 2010-02-10 08:21Z, Mohammad Qayum wrote:
> I am trying to follow a tutorial to install SystemC (www.systemc.org)
> in Cygwin. I am following a simple tutorial to install Cygwin
> (http://www.ht-lab.com/howto/sccygwin/sccygwin.html)

Their instructions for installing Cygwin are valid:
  "Hop over to cygwin's website and follow the installation procedure."

> I used the following procedure to install it:
> 7. Execute ../configure --prefix=destination directory this command worked
> But I am not able to ''make" it. An error massage says "make: *** No
> targets specified and no make file found."

Perhaps 'configure' didn't succeed: normally it would create 'Makefile',
but 'make' says there is no makefile.

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