
I am trying to follow a tutorial to install SystemC (www.systemc.org)
in Cygwin. I am following a simple tutorial to install Cygwin

I used the following procedure to install it:
1. Download systemc-2.2.0.tgz and write to a suitable location
2. Unzip the file using tar xvf systemc-2.2.0.tgz
3. Navigate to the systemc-2.2.0 directory
4. Create a subdirectory as per the INSTALL file called objdir
5. Navigate to the objdir directory
6. create the destination directory
7. Execute ../configure --prefix=destination directory this command worked

But I am not able to ''make" it. An error massage says "make: *** No
targets specified and no make file found."

Fortunately same tutorial worked for another linux machine, but I am
able to 'make' it in Cygwin. I searched several tutorial about
installing SystemC in Cygwin, these are more or less same.

I would appreciate your help.
Mohammad A Qayum

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