On 1/13/2010 10:32 AM, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> Another workaround would be from the mintty window to enter some
> command that would bring up a Windows Command Prompt window so
> that Windows FTP and Telnet would work. I tried the command "cmd",
> but that executes within the mintty window. What command can I
> enter from a mintty/bash prompt to open a Command Prompt window?
> (Various archive searches were unsuccessful.)

Try this:
  cygstart `which cmd`

Maybe I missed your reasoning in an earlier message, but why not use
Cygwin-based Telnet and FTP programs?  You already have Cygwin
installed, so adding two more packages should not be a problem.  That
way locale and terminal handling would just work without any need to try
spawning cmd windows from Mintty.


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